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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / pictures / 0290c140.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-15  |  460KB  |  736x1023  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: dialog box | grandstand | hakham | monitor | sky | window | windowpane
OCR: THE Money RANKINGS: STOCK FUNDS % gain ( loss] Expense to Dec. MONEY 22 1989 Portfalio analytis Ne maximun risk adjusted One Three Flve 10 P/E initol ive-veu TYP grade yea years year Years ratio milliors sales charge FUND NAME American Capital Ventura Max 26.4 33.7 58.6 266.6 20.7 $198.2 5.75 $113 American Growth Gro 225 36:0 711 212.8 42 25.6 64.3 85 158 American Investors Growth Gro 30.2 47.5 68.4 55.3 J. 30.6 0.1 68.6 +. 162 American G&I 10.3 27.3 89.8 343.6 10.3 28.0 151.0 98 American Mutual G&I 23.2 43.8 125.2 422.8 23.0 3,245,0 5.75 91 American National Growth Gro 21.4 43.3 110.0 280.9 2.5 16.9 5.6 06.3 8.5 148 American National Income Eql 26.3 42.7 100.4 334.2 12.8 10.4 68. 8.5 141 AMEV Capital 35:7 44 133.0 504.5 14 28.8 15.6 142.5 8:5 14i AMEV Fidutior Gro 36.7 44.8 146.4 ns 28.3 ...